Chiptune Up!

free out of 1gb


(full version coming some day, maybe)

The webmaster of cannot be held responsible of the content you'll store on this site in any way. You are not allowed to upload copyrighted material if you are not the copyright owner of the said material. This site is not intended to replace your hard drive, keep a copy of all the files you may upload here.

All files hosted on Chiptune Upload Server remain the property of their respective owners.

privacy infos

(full version coming some day, maybe)

The webmaster of insures that he does his best to keep personal informations stored securely. The email address you provided during your subscription will never be used for advertising nor sold to any third party. User's passwords are encrypted (MD5+salt) before being stored and there are no mean to decipher them.

Development (php, mysql, rss) and design (xhtml, css, gfx) by Joffrin Studio © 2006-2024.
Contact accelaexp AT if needed.